Book Tag

The Versatile Blogger Award!


Hello again! Oh my, this weekend has been completely hectic and I’ve been posting up blog entries non-stop. Thanks to everyone who has tagged/nominated me in something, I’m trying my best to get through as many as possible (they’re so much fun and I’m so grateful!) Also, that means that I’ll be tagging a lot of people over and over, and I’m truly sorry if you’ve been tagged already! Oh, and if I accidentally tag you and find out you already completed a tag/award and had tagged ME, I’m doubly sorry because that’s super awkward! There’s just so much to follow….Anyway, I’m getting blindsided (what’s new?)

I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by the wonderful blogger Book Princess Reviews, who is one of my favourites and has some really amazing posts on her blog. I strongly recommend you check her out! Thanks sooo much for the nomination, I’m super thrilled 🙂 I think I may have been nominated by someone else too, but I’ve been all over the place this weekend and haven’t had time to check (or maybe it’s all in my head). I’m truly sorry for not mentioning you if you also nominated me, but just know you’re awesome 🙂

The rules:

1.) Display the award on your blog.

2.) Thank the blogger that nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

3.) Share 7 facts about yourself.

4.) Nominate 10 bloggers for the award and provide links to their blog.

Let’s get right into it, shall we?

7 facts about me:

Oh God, 7 facts about myself? The pressure is insane. Do I share boring facts? Interesting? Wait, I have no interesting facts…Crap. Act natural….

1. I’ll start with something easy. I’m half Russian, half Nigerian, born in Russia, bred elsewhere. This is always a nice conversation starter, because people are always trying to place my nationality but simply can’t. That’s when I pull out the big guns and declare, with pride, that I am a mix and match girl from two very different countries, a world apart. It’s nice having two different cultures and histories to fall back on 🙂

2. I am a beginner aerialist. As in, a circus aerialist. As in, trapeze, silks, you name it. I had the sudden urge to join the circus a few months ago, so at 2 a.m I googled circus classes in my area and found out the new term was beginning in like three days (from the day I Googled), so in a mad moment I signed right on up. And I love it! It suits me because I love training and athletics anyway.

3. I absolutely love writing poetry. I wouldn’t call myself anything but an amateur poet, if even that, but I seriously love writing it. I write about anything at all, anywhere at all, and I enjoy messing with language, imagery and ideas.

4. I absolutely LOVE horror movies, and anything to do with all things scary. None of my friends like horror whatsoever, so they all think I’m super weird! But I really enjoy watching creepy documentaries and things on YouTube, and one of my favourite things to do is watch horror movies in the cinema (with the only other person who loves them like I do: my amazing sister).

5. I’ve taken drama and improv classes for years, in various different places, and I love acting. One of my favourite performances ever was an originally-written play, performed with my drama group and co-written by all of us. My specialty, however, is comedic improvisation.

6. I still own my decades-old VCR player, with many of my surviving childhood movies. It’s always fun to pop them in and remember how different the technology was compared to everything new and constantly developing that we have now.

7. My dream holiday would be to travel the world, and visit everywhere and anywhere. I particularly want to visit beautiful places like Machu Pichu, and historical places like the Pyramids of Giza. If I ever do travel the world, I want to do it with my sister, who is one of my best friends (lame, I know! But oh well.) So yeah, that’s the dream.

And those were 7 random facts about me! Now you know a little about moi, and as you can see, I’m a completely inconsistent kind of gal. 🙂

Now, for the nominations:

I know the rules say nominate 10 bloggers, but I’m going to nominate 5 because a) I have so many more tags and things to do and I don’t want to keep bothering the same people, and b) I’ve got to go shopping and have like 10 minutes. LET’S DO THIS THING:

These are fabulous bloggers I nominate:

Tiana @ The Book Raven

Olga’s Oddish Obsessions

Megan @ bookslayerreads

Reading with Rendz


Again, ignore this if you’ve already been nominated, and if you do take part, have fun!

10 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award!

  1. Your a beginning aerialist? That’s amazing! I can’t tell you how much I wish I was flexible enough to do something like that, thanks for nominating me! I’m so excited to do this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so much fun! I used to be so flexible as a child, and I never got to do anything like gymnastics. So I just decided to join aerial to finally pursue something like that. I’m still getting there though! Have fun with the post!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes and that would’ve been another check to add to akwardcrazy. I’d be honored to take on future tags! My marshmallow barricade is down.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! This is a very well-deserved award indeed 🙂
    I honestly admire circus performers so much… I’d never be able to do any of those stunts! And an aerialist of all things… I’d just panic before I even left the ground hahaha Sounds so elegant, though.
    You’re a really artsy person, which is so cool! I look forward to reading more from you, for sure 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I also admire aerialists, which is why I thought “I’d love to do that!” It doesn’t help that I’m not great with heights, but I looove challenging myself so it’s up on the trapeze I go! Thanks for the lovely comment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your post was so much fun to read!! I loved reading your facts. I think that is so cool to become an aerialist. I could never with a fear of heights, but I think that is so ridiculously cool. How did you decide that being an aerialist would be the right part of the circus? And do you enjoy circus books? 😀 And yay for still owning a VCR!! I think it’s still important to have one, so I’m glad to see they are still out there. A fantastic point, and I loved reading your facts. Thank you also for your kind words! ❤ 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I also have a very mild fear/dislike of heights, but for some reason I want to challenge myself. I decided to become an aerialist because as a child I dreamed about doing gymnastics but never got a chance to, so I just taught myself a bunch of tricks (I was quite flexible). Now, I just decided to go for it because I’d like to regain the flexibility and perform while doing so! And the VCR is sooo important, but it’s a little scary to use. It feels so delicate for some reason! I’m afraid that it will finally pass away on me after 20 long years. Thank you for reading 🙂

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